More than 2 million square feet of Waterloo Barrier® sealed sheet piling has been installed at sites in Canada and the US. The versatility of the low permeability containment wall has led to a wide variety of field applications.
Deep, enclosing barriers at hazardous waste sites or municipal landfills to confine containment plumes and/or landfill gases
Shallow, enclosing barriers to contain petroleum products or other light contaminants which float on the water table
Isolation of contaminant hot spots by total enclosure or encapsulation
Enclosures to control future groundwater contamination at new industrial or waste disposal sites
Temporary barriers to facilitate removal or in-situ remediation of contaminants
Barriers along shorelines to prevent seepage of contaminated groundwater into waterways
Funnelling or directing contaminant plumes to enhance the efficiency of pump-and-treat and in-situ remediation techniques
Structural wall for excavation of contaminated soils
Pilot scale remediation testing in contaminated aquifers under confined conditions
Repair of leaking slurry walls
Construction of Entombment Facility to Contain Dredged Contaminated Harbour Sediments, Hamilton, ON
Barrier Cut-off Wall Installed along Property Boundary, Chemical Manufacturer, Linden, NJ
Isolation of a Chemical Tank Farm as a Preventative Measure, Orangeville, ON
Methane Gas Barrier at Landfill Site, Barrie, ON
Final Stages of Pile Driving of Barrier to Enhance P&T System, Landfill Site, Sarnia, ON
Water-tight Excavation for the Installation of Treatment Media in Funnel-and-Gate System, Denver, CO
Construction of Barrier to Prevent Plume Migration into Adjacent Waterway, MGP Site, Amsterdam, NY
Completed Project, MGP Site, Amsterdam, NY
Groundwater control in construction projects involving excavating and tunnelling
Leakage protection for underground structures in high water table conditions
Waterproofing system for art gallery, Fredericton, NB
Barrier forms part of water-tight foundation wall system for building constructed in high water table.